The Columbia University supplemental essays are a great opportunity to demonstrate who you are for admissions officers reading your application. These Columbia University essay prompts can boost your application if you have a lower than average GPA or SAT score. Use this guide as a step-by-step aid when approaching the Columbia supplemental essays , and start earlier than you think Jun 21, · Columbia Common App Essay Example “You’re such a hipster.” It’s a phrase heard everyday in school hallways across America, and its usage often operates as a conundrum that obscures teenagers’ perceptions of themselves and who they want to blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Writing an application essay is always quite a job, especially for Columbia University. We prepared free samples to make your life easier
How to Write a Stand-Out "Why Columbia" Essay
Looking for the Columbia University supplemental essays guide? The following Columbia University essay examples were written by several different authors who were admitted to Columbia University. All names have been redacted for anonymity. com has shared these essays with admissions officers at Columbia University in order to deter potential plagiarism.
For more help with your Columbia University essay supplements, check out our Columbia University Essay Guide! For more guidance on personal essays and the college application process in general, sign up for a monthly plan to work with an admissions coach 1-on The Grapes of Wrath -John Steinbeck APUSH : Another emotional book that offered me a raw look at how columbia university application essay migrant workers were hurt during the Great Depression.
Interesting read. It really made me question life. Sociologie des pratiques culturelles Sociology of Cultural Practices by Philippe Coulangeon is a required text I particularly appreciated this year. I enjoyed how the novel examines the principle trends that characterize the evolution of modern cultural practices, as well as the results of the democratization of culture in modern-day France.
Les Fleurs du Mal The Flowers of Evil by Baudelaire is an extremely powerful poetry collection that I found to be at the same time thought provoking and a pleasure to read. I also absolutely loved Don Juan by Moliere, a play written and set in 17th century France during the reign of Louis XIV. I was betrayed. Most emotional book: Thirteen Reasons Why -Jay Asher This is one of those books that makes you question your entire life after reading it. It just has the power to make you wonder: Am I a good person?
Have I made a good or bad difference in the lives of others? Highly recommended. Most nostalgic book: The Percy Jackson series-Rick Riordan Earlier this year, I was at the Met, where Percy willed his power to push Nancy Bobofit into the water! Bucket list item checked. Honorable mentions: The Jungle -Upton Sinclair, The Hate U Give -Angie Thomas, Jurassic Park -Michael Crichton, and The Sympathizer -Viet Thanh Nguyen.
One novel I read for pleasure that I found gripping and profound is Brave New World by Huxley. In addition to being a call for freedom during the rise of totalitarian societies, the novel also addresses philosophical and ethical questions that remain relevant today. Bel Ami by Maupassant is another novel that spoke to me. I enjoyed following how this anti-hero climbs the social ladder from his humble working-class beginnings to become one of the most powerful men in Paris.
It was written by six Israeli and six Palestinian history professors, who narrate the same events from different perspectives. I get caught up on current events from three main news sites: the Saint Louis Post Dispatch for the local perspective, the New York Times for the national perspective, and the BBC for the international perspective. News not covered by mainstream media but are highly important: Stories on Instagrams, Facebook, columbia university application essay, and Reddit.
I follow the news on BBC www. I also use the mobile app News Republic on a daily basis. News Republic provides articles from over 1, trusted news sources, so I can be informed of global issues from multiple perspectives. Further, I can design my news page to follow the topics I am most interested in. Another website I follow regularly is Time Out Madrid www. It helps me take full advantage of all the opportunities Madrid has to offer, columbia university application essay as cultural exhibitions, hidden parks and cafes, concerts, plays and movies.
My latest discovery is a list of eleven original bookshops, where, in addition to finding books, friends and I can have a coffee, enjoy a concert or listen to a lecture. Musical: Hamilton, Legally Blondes, Miss Saigon I love the music but hate the historical inaccuracies as well as the ignorance of Vietnamese culture portrayed in the musical.
I highly recommend it. Just ignore the last 6 episodes. It was fascinating to see these plays with the same original mise-en-scene dating back to the era when they were written. Additionally, columbia university application essay, I loved the exhibition Pop Art Myths at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid. I enjoyed seeing how this art form developed in the 50s and 60s and its witty critique of consumerism. Finally, I was inspired by the documentary Beyond Right and Wrong.
It follows the stories of individuals who lost their loved ones in terrible conflicts from Northern Ireland, the Middle East and Rwanda, and shows what it took for them to forgive the other side, columbia university application essay. Their strength impressed me, and their courageous acts allowed me to observe forgiveness under a different light. To me, columbia university application essay, a common person of a common society is nothing more than a lonely cog in the machine who is unable columbia university application essay unwilling to protest against the injustices in the society.
However, after October columbia university application essay,all my negative thoughts about columbia university application essay Core Curriculum have vanished, columbia university application essay. Instead of a group of passive ancient philosophers in modern vessels molded by the Core, I got to see a vibrant, columbia university application essay, and socially aware group of changemakers on Campus that morning.
Columbia students are powerful individuals who are not hesitant to use their power to demand changes. The students made their presence known with posters and chants, demanding for recognition. It was this display of bravery that changed my view of Columbia. Upon closer research, I can see that the Common Core is not a rigid mold but rather a template for empowerment by making sure that all students are equipped with columbia university application essay knowledge to lead courageous lives and be informed citizens.
After all, why else would the university has all students learn about Contemporary Civilization? InI embarked on a whirlwind tour of seventeen American universities.
Of all the schools I columbia university application essay, Columbia stood out. In addition to stellar academic programs, its emphasis on civic and global engagement really spoke to me. It is vital for me to attend a college where both academic rigor and openness to the world are widely promoted. Perhaps what draws me to Columbia the most is the impact it has had on my sister, Maysa Columbia College I have never seen her happier than she is today, as she talks about the diversity of the student body, her amazing professors and advisor, and the truly transformative and eye opening educational experience the Core Curriculum is giving her.
Her experience at Columbia university application essay makes me dream of having my very own Lit Hum discussion sessions, surrounded by a group of passionate Lions. At Columbia, I would also take advantage of the many enriching clubs and student organizations, columbia university application essay. For example, I would like to become a member of the Columbia Model United Nations Team, one of the most renowned in the United States, and the Peace by PEACE club.
In addition, I would like to join or set up a Club or Intramural Swim Team. Being at Columbia would also allow me to take advantage of everything New York has to offer, from acclaimed guest speakers visiting campus to world-class performances and exhibitions. I believe Columbia is the place where all the aspects of my personality would thrive.
Columbia students and faculty are motivated, active, and inspiring. At Columbia College, columbia university application essay, I would grow both academically and socially in an international and openminded environment.
In seventh grade, a phenomenon exploded at my school: YA stories about a world without adults. The premise is simple: A strange accident evaporated all the adults, leaving only young people to inhabit the new world. Like everyone, I was in love with those stories and enjoyed fantasizing how I would be in that situation. How come anyone under the age of 16 got to stay? After weeks of theorizing and researching, columbia university application essay, I finally got it, columbia university application essay.
The story premise was similar: All adults on Earth have been turned into zombies by invading aliens. Luckily, thanks to a DNA mutation caused by a live virus vaccine that was administered to all children aged 17 and younger, the young people were spared. What started as harmless research to satisfy my curiosity quickly developed into a long columbia university application essay fascination with cells and mutations. I marvel at how simple changes in our genetic codes could have great impact on our bodies.
Similar to the unforeseen benefit of the DNA mutation in my story, my research has helped me discover a great passion of mine. Columbia University offers many fields of study closely aligned with my academic and career goals.
My Middle Eastern heritage and international background have made me passionate about social justice, columbia university application essay, peace, and conflict resolution. I am especially interested in Middle Eastern international affairs and social problems. The unrest and violence in this region have repercussions all over the globe.
I believe it is vital for our generation to find long-lasting solutions for peace in the Middle East and to protect the rights of women, children, and ethnic minorities that are being abused in the region. This course challenged me to study my own social and individual identity. I learned the values of listening, sympathizing, and understanding those who are unlike me.
Similarly, in OctoberI took part in a seminar on Non-Violent Communication organized by Seeds of Peace, focusing on ways to bridge dialogue divides and maintain empathy during difficult conversations. Like us, an American-Lebanese-Colombian family living in Madrid, my extended family all have very international backgrounds and have lived all around the world. I have American-Lebanese-Austrian cousins living in London and American-Lebanese- Belgian cousins living in Hong Kong.
Even though we all have lived very different lives, we have something in common — the feeling of being citizens of the world, immersed in a plethora of distinct cultures, yet being part of one close-knit family.
I am lucky to have been raised columbia university application essay this environment. It has helped me become a more adaptable, flexible, and understanding person with intellectual curiosity and openness to the world. Additionally, Columbia College would offer me the opportunity to take an array of classes taught by leading scholars in the Departments of Political Science; Middle East, South Asian, and African Studies; and Linguistics.
These classes would give me a global view of the complex world we live columbia university application essay, help me better understand the international challenges we face today, and further expand my global outlook and knowledge of world cultures and customs.
I am also keen on continuing to build on my Arabic language skills to complement my interest in Middle Eastern history and politics through the amazing resources provided by the Columbia Global Center in Amman, where I hope to spend at least two summers.
With my background and experiences, I believe I would contribute new perspectives to class discussions and learn from the ideas of the inspiring and diverse students that Columbia University attracts. These Columbia University essay examples were compiled by the advising team at CollegeAdvisor. If you want to get help writing your Columbia University application essays from CollegeAdvisor. com Admissions Expertsregister with CollegeAdvisor, columbia university application essay.
com today. Home Essay Guides Latest article in Essay Guides. Essay Guides essay guide Admissions Tips 15 min read.
The Essay That Got Me Into Columbia
, time: 4:34Columbia University Essay Examples (And Why They Worked) |

Why this Columbia University essay worked, according to an ex-admissions officer This essay works because the author did a great job at showing what their interests are, ways they have already pursued them, and how they will take advantage of Columbia’s curriculum to further pursue and achieve their academic and personal goals Writing an application essay is always quite a job, especially for Columbia University. We prepared free samples to make your life easier Jun 21, · Columbia Common App Essay Example “You’re such a hipster.” It’s a phrase heard everyday in school hallways across America, and its usage often operates as a conundrum that obscures teenagers’ perceptions of themselves and who they want to blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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