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A short summary of this paper. Thomas Owusu Student ID: PG Signature Date Certified by Yin Luu Signature Date Supervisor Certified by: Prof. Commercial banks are no exception to the modern changes in ensuring staff motivation towards their organisational goals. The survey research design was used for the study.
The study revealed that, management can make use of different strategies and policies to motivate employees in the banking environment. Employees are interested in enhanced salaries, fringed benefits, promotion, and car loans as motivating elements sufficient to push employees of the bank to give out their best. The research also revealed that the core duty of the bank is normally carried out by clericals who are more than the supervisors and as such motivational packages should be geared towards the clerical workers to ensure that they delight the customers.
Promotion has been a worry to most staff; measures should be put in place by management to ensure that there is continuity in the promotion of staff to avoid low productivity in terms of deposit mobilisation.
The conduciveness of the office environment has first time impression on the customers and the welfare of the employees, literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking. Management can develop new theories such as equity, macllend theory, Abraham Maslow and Hertzberg two factors to literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking employees achieve work targets. I am very grateful to my supervisor, Mr. Yin Luu of University for Development Studies, for all the necessary support accorded during the project.
I want to thank all my friends especially Mr. Kwaku Adjei of the Business School of University of Cape Coast, Miss Kwara Bintu, Mr. Owusu Sekyere and Mr. Kwame Siaw. The literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking services industry is one of the most competitive and highly globalised sectors due largely to the extensive use of information technology systems by firms operating in the sector.
Despite the fact that information technology has become the bedrock of all companies in the financial sector at the global level, human capital still remains the driving force in the highly digital financial services industry, because not all the functions performed by financial institutions can be undertaken solely by electronic devices such as automated teller machines ATMcomputers or other similar devices.
Where even electronic devices can, the organization still requires human beings to operate them. Ombati et al. Even with the provision of these high-tech services by electronic devices, some amount of human effort is required to service and monitor the equipment used in the process of delivering the service.
Therefore, financial institutions still need to recruit and retain some level of qualified and self motivated staff in order to be competitive in the current globalised and turbulent financial services industry.
In case of using human beings to provide services, it is not enough to merely rely on the number of people engaged, their qualification and experience or their ability but remunerating them appropriately is also of paramount importance. The personnel engaged must be motivated in order to get the best output from them.
Many captains of industries believe that the key to improve staff performance and productivity in any area is motivation rather than ability. A highly motivated person will work hard towards literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking achievement of organizational goal, given the ability and adequate understanding of the job. To literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking end modern day managers of companies in the financial services industries are therefore adopting various kind of motivational packages not only to retain employees but also help them to achieve competitive advantage in the market.
Since the enactment of these Acts, the banking industry in Ghana had both increased in numbers and capital based. The liberalization of the banking industry has therefore engendered fierce competition in the sector. According to Michael Porters five forces strategy model, free entry and exit of new firms into a competitive industry or market comes with its associated opportunities and treats. Therefore literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking liberation of the banking industry comes with it opportunities and treats to existing banks including GCB limited.
The level of motivations to determine whether the employees of GCB are well motivated to stay in the bank or are leaving the bank and joining the new banks is of greater concern. This element of easy entry and exit of new firms, as in Michael Porters Model, brings some challenges literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking the exiting banks in the Ghanaian banking industry. These challenges can be categorized into operational and human resource, literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking.
The likelihood of potential and experience staff moving from existing banks to these new banks is a source of worry because they need to be replaced at a higher cost to fill the gap.
Alternatively, the residual staff would have to be appropriately remunerated to work extra hard to sustain the service demand on their bank. The concerns this research addresses are the various motivations that can push employees of a human resource challenged bank to out-perform and raise the service delivery standard of their bank.
In other words, how can GCB push the existing employees so that performance targets can be achieved? The question then is what must top management do to ensure that employees perform well in the bank? The specific objectives are: i. To assess the various motivational packages for the staff of GCB Ltd. To determine which of these motivational packages influence staff performance at GCB Ltd, literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking. To assess the effect of motivational packages on corporate performance at GCB limited.
What are the employee motivational packages at GCB Ltd? Which employee motivational factors affect the performance of GCB Ltd? In what ways do employee motivational packages affect performance of GCB Ltd? It would reveal: Whether these packages enhance staff performance; and How management can strategically maximize the human resource potentials of the organization to the fullest in the midst of the new entrants. The findings of the study will therefore provide vital information to policy makers and human resource managers of the bank to either consolidate or re-think ways of motivating staff of the bank.
The results of the study will also add to the existing body of knowledge on the issue of motivation and productivity in the bank sector. The Kumasi Zone of the bank consists of twenty-two 22 branches and seven 7 divisions. All the twenty branches and divisions were covered. Most theories of motivation and employee performance concepts were considered. Limited resources and time constraints affected the completion of the project on time.
There was less participation from respondents due to the busy schedule during the day. This is followed by chapter two which reviewed extensive related empirical literature on the subject matter. Chapter three looked at the methodology of the research which comprises the research design, the research population, sample and sampling technique. It also considered the sources of data and data collection instruments, literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking, methods of data collection and analysis.
Chapter four is dedicated to data analysis, findings and discussions. Finally, chapter five deals with a summary of the study, conclusions drawn from the findings and recommendations of the study.
The relevant literature will be reviewed under the following outline: Development of modern banking, motivation and corporate performance in the banking sector, levels of employee motivation, performance measurement, and chapter summary. The presentation on this literature now follows. In England for instance, the goldsmith were very influential in the evolution of modern banking in the country during the mid-seventh century.
Similarly in Iran, modern banking began to emerge in the mid-nineteenth century. Banking was introduced to Africa by the early European traders in the last three Centuries. Modern banking in African countries started with the achievement independence by these countries; for example, soon after independence inGhana established its Central Bank. This was followed by the establishment of state-owned commercial, development and investment banks in the country.
Nigeria also established its Central Bank in after its independence. The banking system performs two vital functions in addition to the provision of credit. These are maturity transformation, and risk transformation Badu, Enew et al.
Banks grew in response to the need for services such as loans, safe deposit and financing of consignments of exported and imported goods. Credit, literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking, on the other hand, refers to a means of financing an item or items of expenditure whereby the funds are transferred to the product provider directly by source of credit.
Saving and investing are the reciprocal of lending and credit. Saving and investing concern the sacrificing of present literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking in order to provide for some future event or requirement. Before independence, two overseas branches of British commercial banks dominated the banking scene in Ghana.
The colonial masters therefore saw the need to establish a bank to offer the basic banking services and to administer the issuance of currency for trading. In this direction, Ghana has since the late nineteenth century developed its banking sector, literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking.
The first bank called the British Bank of West Africa BBWAnow Standard chartered Bank was established in Gold Coast in barclays bank of Ghana. The main motives of these Banks were to meet the financial needs of the colonialists and the merchants. Because of this, the services offered were in favour of the colonial masters without regard to the indigenes.
The bank of Gold Coast started operation in with literature review on customer satisfaction in e-banking aim of meeting the banking needs of the indigenous people.
The Bank of Gold coast was tasked with two major functions to act as a central bank and a commercial bank as well. barclays bank of ghana. Until the liberalization of the Ghanaian economy, beginning from the earlythe banking industry in the country was dominated by a few banks which were either foreign or government owned and were highly specialized and therefore restricted in their areas of operations.
Some of these banks included Barclays Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, and Ghana Commercial Bank.
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Islamic banking and customer satisfaction in Pakistan: evidence from internal and external customers Syed Tehseen Jawaid, Aamir Hussain Siddiqui, Rabia Kanwal, Hareem Fatima. This study aims to find the determinants of internal and external customer satisfaction of Islamic banks of Pakistan through service quality indicators that are assurance The role of e-banking on operational efficiency of banks in Nigeria By Prof. Edwin Agwu A Critical Analysis of Key Financial Performance Indicators in the Banking Industry in Ghana Reference Service Marketing by: Lovelock PDF. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link
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