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This is a practical guide for members of an evaluation committee. The guide is based on the rules and regulations for the degree of PhD at the University of Oslo. The evaluation committee shall normally consist of 3 members and shall be composed so that:. As member of a committee you must sign a declaration of impartiality form. The principal supervisor will contact you regarding this matter and will hand in the form to the faculty along with the evaluation committee proposal.
See information for the principal supervisor for more on evaluation committee and impartiality requirements. From the time the committee is appointed until the candidate has taken the PhD examination there should be no contact between the supervisors and committee members regarding the candidate or the candidate's work.
The candidate and committee members should not have any contact before the trial lecture and public defence. Opponents should ask general as well as more specific questions about the research area, questions about form and methods used and questions relating to the results found in the thesis.
The evaluation committee decides which of its members are to take the roles of first and second opponent respectively. As committee chair you must be employed at the faculty. The recommendation is your written report of the thesis. It must be written in the same language as the thesis.
You have 3 months in which to submit your recommendation, phd thesis opponent. If you should need more time you must submit phd thesis opponent written application to the administrative officer in charge explaining the delay.
You should make sure the project has all necessary approvals, and should especially assess the ethical aspects of the project in light of its approvals.
Phd thesis opponent about approvals, phd thesis opponent. The following information must be enclosed with the recommendation if it phd thesis opponent a positive recommendation:, phd thesis opponent. The recommendation must be signed by all phd thesis opponent committee members. The committee chair sends the recommendation by e-mail to postmottak medisin.
no with the administrative officer in charge as copy recipient of the e-mail. The public defence can take place at the earliest 6 weeks after the recommendation has been found worthy of defence by the faculty.
See Section A thesis must be rejected if you do not find the thesis worthy of defence according to the requirements. The candidate is ready for the trial lecture and public defence after the the dean has found the thesis worthy of defence. The committee members should suggest dates phd thesis opponent the trial lecture and public defence, phd thesis opponent.
The dates, however, are not binding before they have been approved by the dean, phd thesis opponent. You must be present at the trial lecture and public defence. If one of you should be prevented from coming, the faculty will appoint a substitute member. After the PhD examination you must sign attestation forms confirming whether the trial lecture and public defence are approved or not.
The trial lecture is an independent part of the PhD examination and aims to test the candidate's ability to acquire knowledge and to impart this knowledge in a lecture setting. The lecture is normally given so that students, people without special knowledge and the informed public can benefit from it.
The topic of the trial lecture should not be formulated as a question. The title of the trial lecture will be announced to the candidate 10 working days before the trial lecture. The trial lecture lasts 45 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for any questions and comments after the lecture.
The evaluation committee suggests a topic for the trial lecture on the form Title of the trial lecture docx, phd thesis opponent. You must book your own tickets and hotel. Expenses will be reimbursed after the public defence.
You will also get your fees after the defence. As soon as the recommendation is approved by the dean you will get an e-mail with information about booking your trip and about the fees. Search our webpages Search, phd thesis opponent. Home Research Studies Student life Services and tools About the faculty People, phd thesis opponent. Back to uio.
Menu Norwegian website For employees My studies Phd thesis opponent menu Research PhD Thesis, evaluation and public defence Thesis requirements Submission and printing Evaluation Trial lecture and public defence Doctoral dinner and conferral of the PhD degree Information for the chair phd thesis opponent the defence Diploma and ceremonial diploma Information for the evaluation committee. Norwegian version of this page Information for the evaluation committee Members of an evaluation Committee evaluate whether a PhD thesis is worthy of a public defence.
Published Apr. E-mail this page Share on Facebook Share on Twitter.
The Perfect Defense: The Oral Defense of a Dissertation
, time: 22:00Information for the adjudication committee - Faculty of Educational Sciences
Phd Thesis Opponent. Reviews: UK: EduZaurus provides students with a platform where they can get their papers done quickly and efficiently. We specialize in every subject and we can meet any deadline/10() In other words, when you come to us and say, “I need somebody to write my paper”, you can rest assured that we will assign Phd Thesis Opponent the best possible person to work on Phd Thesis Opponent your assignment. He/she will have all the necessary qualifications to work in this assignment, as well as a background offering special knowledge about the subject/10() be a mere listing of what the opponent considers to have been the mistakes made in the dissertation. The opponent should give the doctoral candidate the opportunity to answer the questions asked and to defend his/her choices made in writing the dissertation. The aim is for the discussion to focus on
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